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IMT New April 2014 Onward IMT-120 : Business Research Method
Product Name : IMT-120 : Business Research Method
Product Code : AC1
Category : IMT
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1. Distinguish between Basic Research and applied research.
2. What is experimental design? Explain its meaning and significance.
3. What is the necessity of defining a research problem? Explain.
4. What is meant by a hypothesis? What are the different type of hypothesis? Explain.
5. What do you understand by sampling and sampling distribution?


1. What is sample size? Explain the method of deciding the sample size.
2. A company running a chain of restaurants in Noida wants to start a new one in Sector18. Prior to that it wants to conduct a survey of the employees of various institutions in that area to know about their eating habits, food preferences, etc. Suggest a suitable sampling scheme for the same.
3. What is a questionnaire? Describe in your own words.
4. Discuss the statement ‘Hypothesis testing is a waste of time in commercial business research’.
5. Discuss the statement ‘ Correlation and regression analysis are a good means of knowing the associations
between variables’.


1. Write a short notes on
a. Cluster analysis.
b. Factor analysis
c. T-test
d. Explain the working of one way ANOVA.
e. What are the advantage and disadvantage of open-end and close ended questions? 2


Mustafa, a popular departmental sore in Singapore with Indians( local as well as tourists and transit passengers), stocks over 100000 items , spread over 2 buildings with 4 floors each . The store has been popular stop over for the Indian transiting through Singapore for buying items like appliances , electronic s, jewelry and gifts as the goods sold in the store cater to Indian requirements and also because the store takes care of the shipping the goods to india. Mustfa receives over 60% of its business from overseas visitors.
In September 1997 , with the emergence of the internet as an imminent force and inspired by the success of DELL and, Mustafa decided to move on to a transactional site where international visitors can browse through store catalogs and place orders in advance .
In mid 1998, Mustafa started accepting online orders and payments using the secure socket layer, showcasing 500 items that were popular in the tourist and transit visitors category.

1. What do you think are some of the customer loyalty issues that Mustafa managers faces as they grow online
sales? If yes, kindly state hypothesis .

2. How can Mustafa best pursue a multichannel online payment system? Is the current management making the right judgment about developing online capabilities slowly over a long period of time? Explain the process of Business research and also explain the statistical tools required for solving the above business problem.


Hotel Country INN is a well-known hotel situated in the heart of a metropolitan city. With 12 floors and 120 rooms providing an excellent boarding and lodging facilities, it offers deluxe Suites, Superior Single and Double rooms along with services like coffee shop, restaurants, Saloon, Health Club, Shopping arcades and convention halls. It is one of the most sought after hotels in the city as reflected by the fact that 28000 guests housed in the financial year 2006-2007.
The front office of the hotel occupies a very important position in ensuring a loyal clientele for the hotel. The front office job is to interact with every outsider who steps in the hotel. The front desk takes care of all the needs of the guests. The most important jobs of the front office include making all the reservations, check-in and check out. In short, the front office or the front desk is the interface between the hotel and the outside world. Behind the scene are a large number of people, who perform a wide variety of functions to keep the front office functions smooth. 

From the very moment a traveler plans to make a stay in the hotel, the front office comes into the picture and interacts with the traveler on a daily basis till he leaves the hotel. The guests can be individual or the corporate guests. In case of corporate guests, the bill is sent to the organization sponsoring the stay of the guest.

1. Identify Business problem in this case.
2. Enumerate three objective of the study from this case.
3. What are the steps the hotel to do to understand feedback of customer?
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