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IMT New April 2014 Onward IMT-95: Security Solutions
Product Name : IMT-95: Security Solutions
Product Code : AC1
Category : IMT
Hand Written : Rs. 999    img
Soft Copy Type A : Rs. 200    img
Soft Copy Type B  : Rs. 500   img
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Description :

Assignment – A


1. What are the two types of fabrication?

2. What is the difference between Secret Key Cryptography (SKC) and Public Key Cryptography (PKC)

3. Define the different types of IDS.

4. What is preprocessing in IDS?

5. What is Heuristics in IDS terminology9

6. Define the primary components for the multitier IDS architecture.

7. Define the various sensor deployment patterns in detail.

8. What is a spanning port?

9. What are ephemeral port numbers?

10. Define fragmentation and path MTU discovery.


Assignment – B


1. What are the advantages of using HIDS?

2. Differentiate between source address spoofing (inbound traffic) and source address spoofing (outbound traffic).

3. What are the different types of IDS architectures?

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an IDS agent.

5. How can network-based IDS be implemented in a heavily switched environment? Discuss the various options available.
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