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ISBM Assignments Business Admin-1-ISBM
Product Name : Business Admin-1-ISBM
Product Code : AC1
Category : ISBM
Soft Copy Type B  : Rs. 1000   img
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Description :

1)      Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business.  Analyse why business
         often does little for the   preservation of physical environment despite the fact that it is
         significant for business activity.                                                                              (10 Marks)


2)      Explain the relevance of ecological issues to business environment                         (10 Marks)


3)      What do you understand by Business Social Responsibility (B S R ). How this can be used
         to improve the Business Environment.                                                                     (10 Marks)


4)      Explain how the business in an organization can be regulated with regard to the
         Organization’s Basic Objectives.                                                                             (10 Marks)



5)      Describe in detail the different role played by the Government towards enriching the
         business Environment.                                                                                             (10 Marks)


6)      In the Business Environment context, explain how the Political and legal Environment of
         business plays a vital role. Justify by bringing in suitable examples.                        (10 Marks)


7)      Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on the role of FDI
         in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's experience in this sector.       (20 Marks)
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