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NMIMS Assignment 2014 Business Law
Product Name : Business Law
Product Code : AC1
Category : NMIMS
Soft Copy Type B  : Rs. 450   img
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Business Law


1. A, a customer, had no knowledge about hot water bottles. He went to B a chemist,and demanded a hot water bottle from him . B gave a bottle to him and stated that it was meant for hot water. After a few days , while using the bottle , it burst and injured A’s wife. It was found that the bottle was not fit for as a hot water bottle. Advise what steps can A take against B under The Sale Of Goods Act.
2. X a fruit dealer agreed to supply fruits to B on credit at the request of C. C gave a guarantee to A for the payment of the price for fruits that A may supply to B from time to time within one year. A supplied some fruits to B to the value of Rs 2 lakhs and B paid for it .After expiry of one year , A supplied some fruits to B to the value of Rs. 50000, which B failed to pay. Can A recover the amount from C ? Explain under the Contract of Guarantee.
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